How to use permanent license code?

License code is only for the dmg version downloaded from our website. If you can't find Enter License, please make sure that you use Filmage Editor.dmg version.


If there are different versions of Filmage Editor on your device, we recommend that you uninstall all, restart your device, and redownload Filmage Editor DMG from here. Then, below is the instructions about how to apply license code:


1. You haven't use any license code:


Step 1: After the installation, click Filmage Editor on the main menu -> Enter License.



Step 2: Enter the license code and click Activate to continue.



Step 3: Then start your video editing experience with Filmage Editor.



2. If you have bind 6 Months license code:


Step 1: Please send your 6 Months license code or the UUID of your device to [email protected], we will unbind the code as soon as possible.

Step 2: After unblinding, you can activate the permanent license. And the 6 Months license code is still alive until it expires.


If you still want to use your current 6 Months license, there is no need to do anything. When it expires, you can activate the new permanent license directly.