Note: We recommend installing BlackHole rather than Soundflower. BlackHole works the same as Soundflower but easier to install. After installation, we recommend using Filmage Screen to record system sound!
Soundflower is a system extension that lets you channel audio from one application to another. While for Mac users, they will always be informed of an error message " The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance." It is because of Apple Provicy Policy which only valifies and allows identified developer's softwares to be installed.
Please download Soundflower from our website.
Get a video tutorials about how to install Soundflower on macOS.
Please refer to the following insturctions:
1. Go Launchpad -> Other -> Terminal;
2. In the popped window, enter sudo spctl --master-disable and your password.
3. Go System Preferences -> Security and Privacy -> General -> under Allow From Anywhere, enable MATT INGALLS system software.
4. Reinstall Soundflower.
If these steps don’t work, please try:
1. Go Finder -> search Soundflower -> open Soundflower.dmg;
2. Find Uninstall Soundflower.scpt -> Click it->Click Run the script;
3. Restart your Mac;
4. Install Soundflower refer to steps mentioned before.
If you still cannot install Soundflower, please refer to:
1. Go Launchpad -> Other -> Terminal;
2. In the popped window, enter sudo mount -uw / && killall Finder and your password.
3. Install Soundflower refer to steps mentioned before.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]