Download Filmage Editor.dmg. After install, click Filmage Editor -> Enter License.
2. Enter the license code and click Activate to continue.
Then start your editing experience with Filmage Editor.
Note: If you can't find "Enter License", please download Filmage Editor.dmg.
Because you don't need to enter license code if you download it from Mac AppStore.
If you don't get the license code email, check the Trash or Spams boxes.
If you lose your code, please go to License Retrieval and get your code back.
Note: If you purchased Filmage Editor on Apple Store, there is no need to enter license code.
Actually, there are two sources you can purchase Filmage Editor: Mac AppStore and Website Store.
If you have Paypal account, you can buy it from our Website Store;
While, if you don’t have Paypal account, but have an Apple ID, you may get it from Mac AppStore.
If you want to use another payment methods, please click Here or contact us via [email protected].
Please try again. If it fails again, please contact us via [email protected] with your license code.
If you lose your code, please go to License Retrieval get your code back.